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Lambus iOS / Android
Lambus iOS / Android
Questions and answers about Lambus on iOS and Android
By Jonas
1 author
30 articles
Which languages are supported?
When uploading photos, not all photos are visible
How can I access my trip offline / without internet?
About Lambus and Privacy
I cannot use the Lambus PRO Features after upgrading.
Creating an account
How can I create a new account?
Managing your account
How do I add or change my profile picture?
How can I change the language?
How can I change my password?
How can I reset my password?
Travel Planning
Your Guide to Mastering Stops and Nearby Places
How can I rearrange my stops?
How to import a GPX file (add to a stop)
How can I join a trip?
How to create a new trip
How can I invite fellow travelers?
How do I access the Lambus Booking Feature?
Lambus PRO
What's the price for a Lambus PRO upgrade?
Expenses Export
About Lambus PRO
Checking / Packing Lists
Templates for Lists
Fix a problem
I can't change my profile picture
How can I create a new expense?
How can I pay my debts?
Categories and Statistic
Expenses Export with Lambus PRO
How do I manage my documents?
Invitations and Trip Sharing
How can I invite fellow travelers?
How do I share my trip with others? (No fellow travelers)